Monday, October 11, 2010

halloween Report: number two. depressed eye.

In Memory of Beza. Wood
departed this life
nov 2 1837
aged 45 years
here lies one wood
enclosed in wood
one wood within another
the outter wood is very good
we cannot praise the other.
Beza Wood, Winslow, Maine, 1837

dad and i have been ahead of everyone else( as usual) in terms of putting the halloween decor up. so that means the spider and the web ( cement spider and 10 ft diam web), graveyard ( amusing and true toumbstones), the invisible man ( sunbathing in the nude of course) are up. so what else is there to add? today, it was the eyeballs( on the roof.)
if you read the tales of our eyeballs ( neighborhood watch) below, you know that they are big yoga balls that we painted to look like eyeballs. we tie them to the roof of our house and they watch the on goings of the night.
well yesterday dad and i put them up and ran out to the store to get some food for dinner, when we came back, one of the eyes ( ernie) was deflated... the house had it's first ever flat. ( you think your car had problems.... )
now the question remains what do we do? Use the smaller triplets ( harrry, ron and hermione?) in his place, or put ron and herminone up on either side, we could also leave the house as a cyclops. any of these work, or any different version of it. My friends have been asked for a solution, and hopeflly will telll me ernies replacement solution.

This post is in fond memory of Ernie Ball. may you allways keep a watchfull eye o'er us. Rip.

ghoul out.

halloween report: number one,the history of hallows eve!

Here lies a man that was Knott born,
his father was Knott before him,
he lived Knott and died Knott
yet underneath this stone doth lie
Jhon Knott, Sheffield, England

Happy October! This October, halloween brings on a semi-controversal topic.
Halloween falls on a sunday this year. some church goers may tend to think that this means that we ought not to celebrate it, but in terms of tradition, think again.
Shall we begin with some history? Ole Hallows Eve began with a simple idea one religious man shared with another... ( set the stage now) Two middle aged men are sitting on very comfortable chairs in a church somewhere... perhaps england? some where around a gothic time period. Just chatting. one looks to the other and says: " say peter, I think that because 'tis autum and all the leaves seem to be dying, that all those evil spirits come out tonight because they hold their power in the night." "really george?What ever shall we do?" "Well how about we tell tell everyone to dress up in frigthfull attire and scare the daylights out of the spirits?That will give us 364 days of peace from those spirits ( Remember, Ben Franklin hasnt been around yet to to invent the whole leap year concept.) " Good idea! I'll get right on it!"
Okay, apart from the odd exchange of diolouge, halloween was created to protect the church goers from harm! Many people don't know this history lesson, and think that halloween was created for the opposite reason, instead of having us scaring the spirits away ( or more realistically nowadays, making them laugh so hard that they are incapable of doing anything else, because the idea of a pretty pink princess in a tutu of doing them any harm is priceless), people may believe that we are honoring them. In some towns, children are not getting their yearly stash of halloween candy, or any year that halloween falls on a sunday.
I'm not saying that i do not understand their beliefs, or i dont respect them, but i just wonder which of people who say halloween should be canceled this year know this.

Ghoul out!